Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The program educational objectives (PEOs) were prepared by the OBE implementation committee for outcome based education implementation and approved through the DBoS, FBoS and ACM. The PEOs were prepared on the basis of stakeholders needs and linked with twelve PLOs. The PEOs of B.E. Electronic Engineering degree program are:

  • Apply in-depth electronic engineering knowledge and analytical skills to initiate innovative solutions for the society.
  • Quest for learning, establishing collaborations, and engaging in continuous professional development in the field of electronics by carrying research and adopting professional practice.
  • Adaptive in multidiscipline and multicultural environment and work effectively as a team lead or team member possessing strong soft skills and high moral ethics.

Publicatio of Vision, Mission and Objectives

All above vision, missions and objectives are published in university annual documents such as prospectus and annual report, at university/department official website and various notice boards and official documents.

Alignment of PEOs with University's Vision and Mission

The alignment of PEOs with University Vision and Mission is shown in table:

MUET University’s Vision and Mission PEOs
VisionTo become world class educational and research institute and contribute effectively towards building up indigenous and technological capabilities for sustainable socio-economic development.
MissionTo equip our undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students with advance knowledge through collaborative opportunity emerged from linkage with academia, industry and government
  • PEO1 and PEO2 are aligned to produce graduates having innovative technological proficiency and pursuit of self-development to work in collaborative and dynamic environments.
  • PEO1 and PEO3 are aligned to equip graduates with strong engineering knowledge along with soft skills and moral values to contribute towards socio-economic development of the society.

Alignment of PEOs with Department's Vision and Mission

The alignment of PEOs with Department Vision and Mission is shown in table:

Mapping of Department Mission and Vision with PEO's
Department's Vision and Mission PEOs
VisionTo provide the highest quality of learning and research opportunities for the students in the field of Electronic Engineering as well as make them competent professionals with high professional ethics to compete on a global scale.
MissionTo produce Quality Electronic engineers with high intellect and broad vision who can meet current needs and foresee future needs of the nation in the field of Electronic by serving research and professional practice.
  • PEO1 and PEO3 are aligned to apply the principles and practices of electronic engineering and associated interpersonal skills to fulfill the societal needs.
  • PEO2 and PEO3 are aligned to produce professionals having mindfulness of current and future trends of the industry and research along with the realization of ethical and professional responsibilities.

Formulation/Review of PEOs

Formulation of PEOs is carried out by the DMRC in consultation with other stakeholders such as the employers, faculty, and alumni. These PEOs are then submitted for approval to academic bodies such as the DBoS (including external members), BoF and Academic Council. The PEOs would be reviewed after few years, according to the feedback from the stakeholders.

Process to Evaluate the Attainment of PEOs and Continual Improvement of the Program

The evaluation of PEOs is based on indirect assessment by conducting survey from alumni, stakeholders and employer.

The alumni and employer’s feedback is fixed to be conducted after period of 3-5 years of graduation of every batch by Industrial Liaison Committee of the department. The evaluation of PEOs attainment will be done by the program committee for OBE implementation. Any recommendation by the committee for modification and improvements will be forwarded to the statutory bodies of the university.

Evaluation Sheets and Performance Indicators for PEOs

A minimum attainment level for each PEO has been defined along with its method of measurement. The key performance indicators (KPI) for the attainment levels are given in the following table:

Program Educational Objectives Performance Indicators Measurement Tool
Apply in-depth electronic engineering knowledge and analytical skills to initiate innovative solutions for the society. 50% of the Alumni survey obtained from graduates (5 years after graduation) and 50% of the employers’ survey is satisfactory. Alumni feedback and employer feedback.
Quest for learning, establishing collaborations and engaging in continuous professional development nationally and internationally. 50% of the Alumni survey obtained from graduates (5 years after graduation) and 50% of the employers’ survey is satisfactory. Alumni feedback and employer feedback.
Adaptive in multidiscipline and multicultural environment and work effectively as a team lead or team member possessing strong soft skills and high moral ethics. 50% of the Alumni survey obtained from graduates (5 years after graduation) and 50% of the employers’ survey is satisfactory. Alumni feedback and Employer feedback.

Jobs for BE (Electronic Engineering)
Jobs for Graduates of Department of Electronic Engineering

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Dr. Azam Rafique Memon

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